No matter what product, commodity price is always the factor of customer first concern, and large mechanical equipment such as crusher, because its function, scope of application, use and determine their prices are not the same in general, how do the clients with reasonable price to buy the right products, in the choice of products today, we are said to pf impact crusher price influencing factors.
One, back breaking equipment quality. Quality is the key factor to decide the product price, crusher is not exceptional also, good quality means the process of standardization and high quality raw materials.
Two, brand effect. Brand represents the comprehensive strength and technological level of an enterprise, well-known brand manufacturers have technical advantages, ordinary manufacturers can not match the capital advantage, talent advantage and management advantage, which is to make the high quality the crusher must. Therefore, users in the selection of impact crusher equipment, we must look for the big brand, big manufacturers, so as to ensure the quality of equipment and a series of service after sale, exempt from any menace from the "rear".
Three, the cost of production. The cost of production includes two aspects of raw material cost and investment cost: the cost of raw materials is the direct factor affecting prices of equipment, such as steel, its price fluctuations will directly affect the development trend of steel market equities, change the steel trade mode of operation; the investment cost is an important part of manufacturers in the total costs, includes many aspects of staff wages, R & D funds, plant expansion and equipment depreciation, increase the cost of the investment will inevitably lead to the total costs rise, in order to protect the legitimate interests of their own and subsequent development, manufacturers will adjust the counterattack crusher price.
Four, other factors. Restrictions such as geographical conditions, with special requirements of the process equipment etc.