
New faces of Android: inside Google's management shuffle

One big loss at the world's most popular smartphone platform has been followed by another. Five months after Android founder Andy Rubin left his creation to work on unspecified other projects inside Google, head of Android product management Hugo Barra quit to take a job at upstart Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi. And while there are clear potential benefits for both parties in the move — having Barra as an ally inside the explosive Chinese market could prove hugely profitable to Google — he also leaves a void at Android.

To the outside world, Rubin and Barra were the faces of Android, with Barra regularly appearing onstage at events to explain its changing look and features. Along with vice president for engineering Hiroshi Lockheimer, Rubin and Barra were seen as Android's most influential voices on product decisions, guiding Android's rapid evolution while carefully building out its feature set. "Andy, Hiroshi, and Hugo were the triumvirate of Android," a former co-worker said. "Those were the dudes that make Android work."

Today, Android is led by one of Google's brightest executives, Sundar Pichai, whose charge also includes both the mobile operating system group and the Chrome and Google Apps divisions he oversaw previously. Google says Barra was part of a strong Android leadership team that is still in place. The operating system's basic goal — to become a ubiquitous channel for delivering Google services — remains unchanged. But now that two of its biggest stars have moved on, how will Android change — and who will change it?
The Verge spoke with current and former Google employees, along with others who have worked with members of the Android team, to get a clearer sense of Android's current leadership team and its priorities. It remains unclear how Google will go about filling Barra's shoes. But in interviews with those who worked with him, a portrait emerges of what Android will lose with Barra at Xiaomi — and of how the company will proceed while they look to replace him.
In Barra, Android had a whip-smart manager with a flair for design — and for live product demonstrations. The Brazil native is deeply conversant in mobile technology, having spent five years focused on mobile voice search and messaging at Nuance Communications. He joined Google in March 2008 as its global head of mobile products and took over product management for Android two years later.
he Android group had a reputation for being dismissive of anyone perceived as an outsider, including Googlers who worked at other divisions. In some cases, former employees recalled, Android executives refused to return their calls. For a time, the Android building cafeteria was closed to non-Android employees. Former colleagues trace Android's insular culture to Rubin, whom they describe on one hand as a visionary leader, and on the other as a person who showed little interest in building bridges to the outside world. Under Rubin, collaboration was a largely technical affair, an exchange of code and documentation and little else. To “collaborate” with Android meant to build an app for it, or perhaps work with the Android team on an API like Google Wallet Instant Buy, which was built by the Wallet team and released during Rubin’s tenure.
To those outside the division, Barra was a rare friendly face at Android. He had a quick smile and an easy way with outsiders, and he had mastered that most crucial of the corporate arts: the presentation. "He was the go-to guy if you wanted to have a kickass demo," a colleague from another division said. "Especially if you wanted a demo of something Android, because you could never get Andy Rubin to do anything."
Barra also had a strong mind for product, colleagues say. Around the Android team, said another colleague, "Hugo's not really going to like that" or "this isn't going to fly because Hugo has a really strong opinion" were popular refrains.
At the same time, Barra didn't work in a vacuum. "You've got to remember, the bench is deep at Google," a former colleague said. "They've got a lot of smart people. There could be somebody really great waiting in the wings."
Pichai has one of the broadest and most important product portfolios at Google, raising questions about how much attention he can pay to Android day to day. But all indications are that since taking over this spring, Pichai has been deeply involved in major decisions around the operating system.
Reporting to Pichai is Hiroshi Lockheimer, a longtime Android executive who has only occasionally stepped into the spotlight alongside Rubin and Barra. Lockheimer is Android’s vice president of engineering, and was mentioned by name in the farewell letters of both Rubin and Barra. Rubin wrote "Hiroshi Lockheimer — who many of you already know well — plus the rest of the Android leadership team will work closely with all of our partners to advance Android." One former colleague said that since Pichai has led Android, Lockheimer has taken on a more prominent role in the division, often answering questions about Android at the company's weekly internal Q&A sessions.
Another key player who remains on the team is Matias Duarte, director of Android design. Duarte, who had held a similar position at Palm building webOS, took the lead on Android's design at a time when it was in dire need of a revamp. Duarte began remaking the operating system's design with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, focusing on building an OS that is both modern and consistent — though that process is still very much unfinished. Duarte and many other teams within Google collaborated to create a new design language that's spreading throughout the company. He is credited by peers for kickstarting Android's design renaissance. "Android never had design guidelines or a style guide," one person said. "That stuff got quickly accomplished when Matias came on."
Sources said Matias has been highly influential throughout Google, playing a key role in the design of Chrome for Android, among other products. But multiple insiders have said he is likely to remain in his current role, focused on design.
Another prominent voice at Android is its director of engineering, Dave Burke, who demonstrated a deep knowledge of the software issues facing Android when The Vergespoke with him after the launch of Android 4.3. A co-worker who knows him well called Burke a “massive” part of the team, noting that “he manages platform engineering, which is the heart and soul” of Android. Last year, at Google I/O, Burke took the stage to talk about "Project Butter," an important effort to make animations in Android run at 60 frames per second across the OS. Burke is less well known outside the division, and it's unclear how his role could change under the new regime. But if Google is looking to promote an engineer with an ability to connect with regular people, Burke has it.
If Google wants to make other voices more prominent at Android, it has still more to choose from. Other key leaders include Johanna Wright, the well-regarded vice president of search and assist, who leads Google Now; and Jamie Rosenberg, vice president of digital content, who leads Google Play. One name that does not appear to be on the list: Vic Gundotra, the senior vice president in charge of Google+, who multiple sources said wouldn’t make sense atop Android.


The list of challenges for Android's next generation of leaders is long. There are old concerns, like a fragmented ecosystem of devices running different versions of the software, and ongoing developer frustrations over difficulties getting Android customers to pay for apps on Google Play. And there are newer ones, including making Android accessible on new categories of devices, including some that can be worn and some that can be plugged into a TV. Those products will need a focused manager, one who can both guide their development and explain the finished products to a mainstream global audience. Until this week, that was a role at which Barra excelled. Now Google will be under pressure to find a new ambassador for the brand: someone trusted by the Android team who is also comfortable on stage.
Google has some of its brightest minds creating the next version of Android — and, quite possibly, some of the devices it will run on. But suddenly, for the first time in three years, Barra won't be one of them. Rubin remains at Google, working in secrecy, while his successor Pichai works to integrate the Android kingdom into the rest of the company. Pichai’s toughest challenge is to make sure his remaining leadership team can deliver on the promise of the operating system. The decisions he makes now could shape Android — and Google — for years to come.

Limestone Stone Crushing Plant

Case Study

Limestone is mainly quarried for the construction of buildings, roadbeds and landscape construction. Limestone is widely used in cement production for the construction of architecture and landmarks around the world. It is widely distributed and quite easy to be processed into different sizes for block making as well as carving works.

Limestone Crushing Process:

Passing through a hopper, raw limestone materials are fed by vibrating feeder into the jaw crusher  evenly and gradually for primary crushing. After first crushing, the material will be transferred by belt conveyor to impact crusher for secondary crushing. The crushed limestone materials will then be transferred to vibrating screen for separation. 
After separation, products in required size will be retained as final products, while the rest will be returned to the previous impact crusher for recushing until getting all required sizes. In this way, the whole line completes a closed circuit crushing process. We can separate different sizes according to your requirement.

Grind the limestone to ultrafine mill process

First, vibrating feeder feeds limestone materials into grinding chamber evenly and gradually. After being grinded, the powder will be blowed to cyclone by blower. Then the material will be transferred to storage room through pipes, and then will be discharged as final products. The whole process works in a negative pressure environment. First, through pipes, the air from the blower enters the cyclone collector above the storage room along with powder, and then returns to the blower through return pipe.
In the way, air can be recycled. There is a powder locking equipment under the cyclone, which isolates the outside positive air pressure and the negative air pressure inside cyclone. And this ensures high productivity. In addition, the residual air and dust under the main unit will be transferred to dust catcher equipment through pipes and be cleaned there. The clean air will be discharged so that environment will be protected.

Related equipment that used in the limestone stone crushing plant

1.GZD Series Vibrating Feeder
2.Jaw Crusher
3.Impact Crusher
4.Belt Conveyor
5.Vibrating Screen


Part 3 — Jaw Crusher Terminology

Part 3 — Jaw Crusher Terminology
Jaw Crusher Terms
"aggregate" Any combination of crushed rock, gravel, sand or granular material suitable for the manufacture of hot mix asphalt, batch mix concrete or any other construction purpose.
Part 4 — Jaw Crusher Illustrations 
Cutaway view of a Jaw crusher. Click on the picture to open a seperate window with a larger view.
Cutaway view of two of the eccentric shaft bearings. This shows how the lobe portion of the shaft is enclosed in the pitman. Click on the picture to open a seperate window with a larger view.
Animated view of a jaw crusher operating. A grizzly feeder would normally divert material smaller than the closed-side opening around the jaw.

Part 2 — Important Considerations for Jaw Crushers

Part 2 — Important Considerations for Jaw Crushers
Jaw Crusher Opening Size
Jaw crushers are referred to by two sets of numbers, the first being the opening size of the jaw; the second being the width. So, a "1036" jaw would accept a 10" boulder at the top and be 3' wide. If the pit where the jaw is being used has river rock which does not exceed 10" in size then this size crusher would be acceptable. Larger crushers are better choices when the average size is larger, such as where rock is blasted using explosives. The width of the jaw directly impacts its throughput rate.
Jaw Crusher Nip Angle
The nip angle describes the angle the stationary jaw plate and the pitman make with each other. The exact value of this angle isn't quoted or even determinable due to curvature in the jaws themselves but what is important is how wide vs. narrow it is. Wide nip angles can tend to expel material as the jaw closes as a large ball might squirt out from under a car tire. If the nip angle is narrow, not much vertical upward force is generated and more consistent crushing takes place.

Part 1 — Components of a Jaw Crusher

Introduction to Jaw Crushers
This section of the Aggregate Designs Corporation web site is intended to inform the reader about different aspects of jaw crushers. There isn't a tremendous variation in jaw crushers, the primary differences is in their size. Some units have hydraulic relief systems that can allow non-crushable material to go through the jaw crusher without snapping the toggle plate. These aren't terribly popular though, as pit operators seem to prefer simplicity over the rare chance of breaking a toggle plate.
Part 1 — Components of a Jaw Crusher
Jaw Crusher Pitman
The pitman is the main moving part in a jaw crusher. It forms the moving side of the jaw, while the stationary or fixed jaw forms the other. It achieves its movement through the eccentric machining of the flywheel shaft. Total back and forth movement of the top of the pitman is only about 1 1/2". This gives tremendous force to each stroke.
As an interesting aside the term "pitman" means "connecting rod", but in a jaw crusher it really doesn't perform this function, that is it doesn't connect two things. Other mechanisms called pitmans such as linkages in car/truck steering systems actually do connect things. Thus it appears this is just the name that was applied to this part.
Manganese Dies in the Jaw Crusher
The jaw crusher pitman is covered on the inward facing side with dies made of manganese, an extremely hard metal. These dies often have scalloped faces. The dies are usually symmetrical top to bottom and can be flipped over that way. This is handy as most wear occurs at the bottom (closed side) of the jaw and flipping them over provides another equal period of use before they must be replaced.
Jaw Crusher: Fixed Jaw Face
The fixed jaw face is opposite the pitman face and is statically mounted. It is also covered with a manganese jaw die. It is shown in the illustrations.
Eccentric Jaw Crusher Input Shaft
The pitman is put in motion by the oscillation of an eccentric lobe on a shaft that goes through the pitman's entire length. This movement might total only 1 1/2" but produces substantial force to crush material. This force is also put on the shaft itself so they are constructed with large dimensions and of hardened steel.
Jaw Crusher Input Sheave/Flywheel
Rotational energy is fed into the jaw crusher eccentric shaft by means of a sheave pulley which usually has multiple V-belt grooves. In addition to turning the pitman eccentric shaft it usually has substantial mass to help maintain rotational inertia as the jaw crushes material.
Protecting the Jaw Crusher: the Toggle Plate
The bottom of the pitman is supported by a reflex-curved piece of metal called the toggle plate. It serves the purpose of allowing the bottom of the pitman to move up and down with the motion of the eccentric shaft as well as serve as a safety mechanism for the entire jaw. Should a piece of non-crushable material such as a steel loader tooth (sometimes called "tramp iron") enter the jaw and be larger than the closed side setting it can't be crushed nor pass through the jaw. In this case, the toggle plate will crush and prevent further damage.
Retaining the Toggle Plate: the Tension Rod
Without the tension rod & spring the bottom of the pitman would just flop around as it isn't connected to the toggle plate, rather just resting against it in the toggle seat. The tension rod system tensions the pitman to the toggle plate as shown in the illustrations.
Jaw Crusher Sides: Cheek Plates
The sides of the jaw crusher are logically called cheeks and they are also covered with high-strength manganese steel plates for durability.
Jaw Crusher Eccentric Shaft Bearings
There are typically four bearings on the eccentric shaft: two on each side of the jaw frame supporting the shaft and two at each end of the pitman. These bearings are typically roller in style and usually have labyrinth seals and some are lubricated with an oil bath system.
Jaw Crusher Adjustment: Closed Side Opening Shims
Depending on the disposition of the material being crushed by the jaw different maximum-sized pieces of material may be required. This is achieved by adjusting the opening at the bottom of the jaw, commonly referred to as the "closed side setting". Shims (sometimes implemented and a more adjustable or hydraulic fashion) allow for this adjustment.


XZM Ultrafine Mill For Sale

XZM Ultrafine Mill

XZM Ultrafine Mill is widely used for micron powder production. The output size can reach 2500mesh (5um). It is suitable to grind the material with middle and low hardness, moisture below 6%, and the material should be non-explosive and non-flammable, such as: calcite, chalk, limestone, dolomite, kaolin, bentonite, steatite, mica, magnetite, iolite, pyrophillite, vermiculite, meerschaum, attapulgite, diatomite, barite, gypsum, alunite, graphite, fluorite, phosphate ore, potassium ore pumice, etc. The size of the finished product can be adjusted between 325-2500 mesh. For those mining investors who are eager to find an ultrafine mill for rent and sale, XZM ultrafine mill is your wise choice.

XZM Ultrafine Mill Features

The body connected to the base of all soft contact without rigid contact, and this avoids the body vibration to the analyzer, improved the accuracy of the analysis.

The base made of high strength ductile cast iron Ductile cast iron has the performance of damping force of molten steel, and good impact resistance.

The coupling of the elastic sleeve is used in the main unit and the gearbox, which avoided the phenomenon of easily breaking nylon pin, thus improving the reliability of equipment.

Analyzer machine applies high-density blade. The classifier uses high-density blade that can increase the fineness of powders and the production capacity. Practice shows that in the case of velocity remained unchanged, the density of the leaves can increase the fineness of the finished products. In other words, in the case of the same finesse, high-density blade is driven by a lower rate than that of low density, thus reducing air resistance and increasing production.?Adopting a new structure of the blade wheel prevented the escape of the coarse powders.

XZM Ultrafine Mill Working Principle

XZM Ultrafine Mill Working Principle

The main bearing and each dial are driven by electromotor of main machine through reducer, and numbers of roller,which are rolling in the ring, are driven by dial through plunger. After crushed by hammer crusher, the big materials become small sizes ones and they are sent to storage bin by elevator. The electromagnetic vibrating feeder will send them to the middle of first dial evenly. The materials will be driven to the edge of dial by centrifugal force, and fall down into the ring and crushed, and then grinded by roller. The materials will fall down into the second and third ring, crushed and grinded. The high pressure-centrifugal blower will inhale air from the outside and blow the materials, which are grinded in the third ring, to powder classifier. The rotating turbo in the powder concentrator will make the coarse materials return to the mill and reground, while the fineness will mix with the air and go into the cyclone and be discharged the discharge bin, which is at the bottom of it. The air, which mixed with very little fineness, will be purified by impulse duster and discharged by blower and muffler.

Hammer Mill

Hammer mill is a machine whose purpose is to shred or crush aggregate material into smaller pieces. These machines have many sorts of applications in many industries, including:

  • Ethanol plants (corn)
  • A farm machine, which mills grain into coarse flour to be fed to livestock
  • Fluff pulp production
  • Grinding used shipping pallets for mulch
  • Milling grain
  • Sawmills, size reduction of trim scrap and planer shavings into boiler fuel or mulch
  • Shredding paper
  • Shredding scrap automobiles (see automotive shredder residue)
  • Shredding yard and garden waste for composting

The basic principle is straightforward. A hammermill is essentially a steel drum containing a vertical or horizontal rotating shaft or drum on which hammers are mounted. The hammers are free to swing on the ends of the cross, or fixed to the central rotor. The rotor is spun at a high speed inside the drum while material is fed into a feed hopper. The material is impacted by the hammer bars and is thereby shredded and expelled through screens in the drum of a selected size.

The hammermill can be used as a primary, secondary, or tertiary crusher.

Small grain hammermills can be operated on household current. Large automobile shredders can use one or more 2000 horsepower (1.5 MW) diesel engines to power the hammermill.

Screenless hammer mill uses air flow to separate small particles from larger ones. It is designed to be more reliable, and is also claimed to be much cheaper and more energy efficient than regular hammermills.

Hammer Mill For Sale

Hammer Mill

Hammer mill is applicable for various hard and fragile materials, such as limestone, coal, salt, gypsum, alum, brick and tile, etc. The crushing compressive strength of materials should not be in excess of 150Mpa. Hammer crusher is mainly used in industries such as cement, coal separation, electricity generation, building materials and compound fertilizer, etc. And hammer crusher can crush materials with different sizes into equal particle, which favors the next procedure. The advantages of hammer crusher are reliable mechanical structure, high productivity and favorable applicability.

Operating principle of Hammer crusher

In the hammer mill machine, the motor drives the rotor to rotate at a high speed through the belt, and on the rotor there are series of hammers. When the materials get into the working area of hammers, the rotating hammers with high rotation speed are crushing them; the crushed products meeting the required size can be discharged by the outlet and become the final products; the large size products are brought back to the crushing area by the hammers for being re-crushed until they reach the required size.

Advantages of hammer mill

1. Big reduction ratio: maximum feeding size is 1.3-1.5m; 3-150mm of discharging size.

2. High fineness of discharging size: favorable shape with aggregate, the powdery material is no more than 20%.

3. Simple process: the two or three stage crushing is reduced into single stage.

4. Economical: small capacity of matched motor, which greatly reduces the production cost.

Rublle Jaw Crusher

Rubble Jaw Crusher Instruction

The invention relates to a jaw crusher for a rubble crushing device, comprising a grab bucket provided with an inlet opening for rubble parts to be reduced in size, an outlet opening for reduced rubble parts, at least two co-acting crushing bodies for reducing rubble parts in size there between, and drive means for moving one f the at least two crushing bodies relative to the other crushing body, which drive means comprise one flywheel and at least one motor.

Known from European patent application publication number PE is a jaw crusher which is intended for attachment to a movable arm of a self propelled vehicle. The known jaw crusher comprises two co-acting crushing bodies formed by a fixed wall and a crushing plate oscillating there above which is driven by an eccentric on a shaft, this shaft being set into rotation by a hydraulic motor.

The rotation speed of the shaft, and thereby the continuity of the oscillating movement of the crushing plate, is held constant using two flywheels suspended from the ends of the shaft close to the side walls of the bucket of the jaw crusher.

Mobile Rubble Jaw Crushing

It is a drawback of the known jaw crusher that, due to the two flywheels, it is very heavy. Too great a weight makes the jaw crusher unsuitable for mounting on the boom of for instance an excavator or a wheel loader, and therefore unsuitable as jaw crusher for a mobile rubble crushing device. Owing to the placing of the flywheels in the vicinity of the side walls in the bucket the known jaw crusher is vulnerable in the case of damage to a side wall, for instance as a result of excessively violent collisions of the bucket with objects outside it, or as result of collisions of debris present in the bucket with a side wall.

There is also a chance, in the case a shaft breaks, of a flywheel breaking through a side wall, with all the associated risks for bystanders. The known jaw crusher is not suitable for removing iron from the reduced rubble parts. In respect of current legal regulations, reduced rubble parts containing iron are unsuitable for reuse, so that a separate treatment of the reduced rubble parts is necessary in a de-ironing installation.

Rubble jaw crusher is an object of the invention to provide a jaw crusher for a rubble crushing device, in particular for a mobile rubble crushing device, which jaw crusher has a sufficiently low weight to enable coupling thereof in simple manner to a movable arm of a self-propelled vehicle, for instance an excavator or a wheel loader.

A rubble jaw crusher according to the invention with only one flywheel provides the advantage of a substantial weight reduction compared to the known jaw crusher with two flywheels. Use is made here of the fact that the moment of inertia of a flywheel is determined substantially by the mass in the vicinity of the periphery of the flywheel, and a reduction of the mass in the vicinity of the shaft does not result in a substantial reduction in moment of inertia.

PEW Jaw Crusher Working Princple

The PEW jaw crusher is developed on the base of jaw crusher, so the working principle is similar to the PE series. But the hydraulic system is added. This working manner of jaw crusher is hyperbolic extrusion. And its working principle is as follows. Through the motor's wheels, the eccentric shaft is driven by the belt and the belt wheel to make the jaw plates move by a regulated track. The angle between the toggle plate and jaw plates will become large as the up of the jaw stock. This will push the moveable jaw plate towards the fixed jaw plate, which can realize the multi-crushing of the materials. The angle between the toggle plate and jawstock will become small as the down of the jawstock. The moveable jaw plate will leave the jaw plate at the pressure of the tension rod and spring , meanwhile ,the final products will be discharged from the discharge opening. Along with the continuous rotating , the crusher will complete the periodic crushing and discharging movement ,which can realize the batch process.

Pew Jaw Crusher Manufacturer

Pew Jaw Crusher Manufacturer

In the design, dynamic jaw and static jaw crushing plate should tooth peaks of tooth. So, on the material in addition to have broken the extrusion action, and bending function, and the material is easily broken. In order to strengthen the crushing plate, the service life of the small and medium-sized crusher crushing plate design into fluctuation symmetrical shapes, when the lower after wearing adjustable head use; Large mandibles crusher of broken plate design into each other a few pieces of symmetry, to wear after crushing plate exchange use.

materials can choose white cast iron. White cast iron hardness, wear resistance is better, bigger source easy, cheap; Defect is sex crisp, and easier to break, use short life. In order to improve the service life of crushing plate, the material are the more than 12% of manganese steel with manganese better, commonly used is ZGMn13. The toughness of the manganese steel is better, although hardness is not high (about 210 HB), but, because have the characteristics of cold hardening, under the action of the pressure will constantly be improved, therefore, in work wear and strengthen constantly, until wear to can't use was scrapped.

Jaw Crusher Assembly

Assembly, crushing plate must be tightly on board in a, both between should cushion flat, between the crushing plate and jaw plate with a soft metal (such as lead, zinc, etc) as gaskets, and bolt-on. When crusher is working, the crusher plate should be loose phenomenon, if not easy to break off or wear crushing plate, reduce the service life of crushing plate. So, assembly must be installed crushing plate and prolong the service life of the crushing plate.

Troubles in Jaw Crusher Working

In the course of using the improved to strengthen the life span of the crushing plate in the process of production, the broken plate and material direct action, crushing force is very big, especially large stores broken hardness, lead to install the vibration crushing plate bolt, nut, become loose, crushing plate to wear is intensified and produce great noise, serious when broken off the device or break board to shut down, affect the normal production.

In that case, just before starting the tightened bolts, nuts is not completely solve the problem, according to the actual situation of the concrete analysis, trying to adopt practical and feasible method to solve the problem.

For example, can use spring against pine vibration reduction devices solve crushing plate in the work, become loose, so as to extend the service life of crushing plate, improve the work efficiency. Particular way is using the bolt looseness and spring into the tight device, the device by spring in the gland, spring, spring pressure of the cover, the device to wear in the bolt tighten.
the nut, because the spring was nut pressure to a certain degree, they will create strong anti-vibration effect, by a huge breakage force of loose bolts generated by spring a tight force power automatic up, so not bolt looseness and prolong the service life of the crushing plate, improve production efficiency.

In short, in use process can be targeted to specific situation trying to solve specific problems, and prevent the broken loose board, the wear is intensified, break the and so on, so as to extend the service life of crushing plate, reduce the cost, improve the work efficiency.


service life from design select material, assembly, in the process of using improved from the aspects such as, can be very good to strengthen the jaw plate service life, so as to improve the mandibles crusher production efficiency, reduce the production cost.

PEW Jaw Crusher

PEW Jaw Crusher Introduction

Nowadays, the PEW Jaw Crusher in European style undoubtedly becomes the most welcome products in the world.

When you want to crush the hard materials in high efficiency, the best choice for you is the PEW series of jaw crushers in European style, which adopts the most advanced international crushing technology as well as the world-class skills in making.

Characteristics of the PEW Series of Jaw Crushers:

1. World-class skills in making are adopted and the use of high-tech materials.
2. More advanced movable jaw assembly makes it more long-lasting.
Movable jaw assembly adopts a high-quality steel casting, and moves through two large cast steel flywheel drive. In addition, heavy eccentric shaft has also adopted forging billet for processing. All those make the PEW series of jaw crushers with exceptional reliability.
3. Integrated Cast Steel Structure Adopted in Axle Bearing housing.
Integrated cast steel structured axle bearing housing can guarantee to be perfectly cooperating with the crushing frame. Meanwhile, it greatly enhances the intensity of the axle bearing, which could not be performed in the separated styled axle bearing.

4. Use of finite element analysis technology makes the crusher with high intensity.

5. Summarized structure “V” adopted in the crushing cavity makes the actual feed mouth width equal to the set width of the feeding opening.
6. Chosen bearings are larger with better carrying capacity.
Compared with the same specification of crushers, all PEW series of jaw crushers are equipped with greater and more durable eccentric shaft bearings. The better carrying capacity and the more effective labyrinth seal greatly extend the service life of the bearings.

7. the newly-adopted tooth-boards have greatly increased the effective length of the jaw, resulting in larger yield.

PEW Series of Jaw Crushers Application:

1. This series of crushers are mainly used for metallurgical, mining, chemical, cement, construction, fireproof materials and ceramics and other industrial sector in secondary and tertiary crushing, dealing with various hard minerals and rocks.

2. The most suitable anti-pressure strength for this series of crushers are the materials(minerals, rocks, slag) no more than 280Mpa. The feeding size of the materials should be no larger than the specification in the technical parameter.

Working Principle:

PEW Jaw Crusher Working Principle: Jaw stone crusher: Through the triangle belt, the flywheel is driven by the motor. Then the flywheel drives the eccentric shaft to make the movable jaw plate do reciprocating motion. Materials will be crushed when the movable jaw plate move towards to the fixed jaw plate. End products will be discharged through the discharging opening when the movable jaw plate move backwards.


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Jaw Crusher for heavy equipment

Heavy jaw crusher equipment instruction

The present invention relates to a jaw crusher for heavy equipment, comprising: a first jaw serves as a moving jaw, a second jaw serves as a fixed jaw, a hydraulic power unit for driving the first jaw, and gap adjustment for adjusting the gap between the movable jaw and fixed jaw, wherein the gap-adjusting devices each include major sub-units with insertion holes for inserting a first shaft and a second shaft for mounting one side of the first jaw and one side of the second jaw and fluid spaces for receiving fluid, and drive units to the respective fluid chambers of the main sub-units move linearly coupled by the pressure of the liquid.

Jaw crusher in heavy industry's application and features
Jaw Crusher as heavy equipment is mainly used for a variety of compressive strength of 320MPa the following medium-grained bulk ore crushing, it is widely used in mining, metallurgy, building materials, roads, railways, water conservancy and chemical industries.

Features: high crushing ratio, even granularity, simple structure, reliable operation, easy maintenance and low operating costs.

Heavy jaw crusher working principle
The jaw crusher equipment works by moving extrusion-type song, and its working principle is: Motor drives belt and pulley, the eccentric shaft to move up and down jaw movement, rises when moving jaw toggle plate and moving jaw angle between large, thus promoting the moving jaw plate close to the fixed jaw plate, with the same time the material is crushed or split pieces, broken to achieve the purpose; when moving jaw down, the angle between toggle plate and moving jaw becomes small, fixed jaw plate in the bar, under the action of the spring , leave the fixed jaw plate, this time under the broken material from the crushing chamber discharge port. With the continuous rotation of the motor, the periodic motion of mobile jaw crusher crushing and waste material, to achieve mass production.


Pew Jaw Crusher History

Wherever you travel along the world's modern roadways, chances are Telsmith mineral processing equipment helped create the materials to build them – and to keep them in good repair. It's been that way since 1906 when the company introduced our first rock crushing machinery. Before long, “Telsmith” had become the respected name for an entire line of innovative products designed to reduce, move, wash, separate and stockpile materials from quarries, sand and gravel pits, recycling and mining operations.

Throughout the years, innovation has been a constant at Telsmith, with the continuous development of engineering and product advancements designed to keep us in the forefront of our industry. Today benchmark Telsmith brands like our Telsmith Pew Jaw Crushers continue the Telsmith legacy, defining the standards for quality, reliability, performance and value.

Pew Jaw Crusher System
Your new Iron Telsmith system is literally "made to order," designed to meet your unique processing requirements. Using custom design software especially for aggregate processing, our Telsmith engineering team will create CAD layouts of your new unit, assuring that it fits your job site and operational specifications precisely, including the proper configuration, tolerances and materials. Whatever your system designs, you can count on Telsmith quality throughout.

For example, your new Iron Giant Series will be built with a reversible toggle seat and thicker cheek plates, to resist wear, while extending its performance life. Another value-added feature designed to reduce costly downtime is a hydraulic relief and clearing system. This feature is standard on the 3858 and will soon be available as an option on other models. These and all the other precision-engineered components of your new system will be checked and re-checked throughout assembly, and again upon completion, to re-verify every detail before your new equipment is released for shipment to you.

At left, a Telsmith engineer uses 3-D modeling software to design and check crusher parts and assemblies. Tools like this allow our engineers to cut costly design and testing time before any steel is cut in the shop, saving upfront costs for customers. Telsmith engineers can also use this technology to design parts and assemblies that are easier to access and maintain, cutting customer down-time.

Pew Jaw Crusher Design
With the aid of Finite Element Analysis software, Telsmith engineers predict and find solutions for potential problem areas early in the design of your equipment. The research and development team applies static and dynamic forces to strategic elements of your new crushing and processing equipment to simulate the work that is performed daily in your operation. The result – your new Telsmith Jaw Crusher or other Telsmith equipment will deliver reliable, peak performance in the demanding "real world" of your job site.

Recognized by mineral and aggregate processors worldwide, the Telsmith Difference is defined by our uncompromising commitment to technology, quality, and performance, driven by our complete dedication to our customers. We consider ourselves your solutions partner, working with you to create superior products that meet or exceed your life cycle expectations, and our own high standards. Our certification as an ISO 9001 company assures that the Telsmith Quality Pledge to you will be met in every way, including design, manufacturing, and prompt responsiveness. In today’s competitive marketplace, you can count on the Telsmith Team to provide the edge you need, with innovative custom engineered solutions, and complete product support throughout the long life of your Telsmith equipment.

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